The Courage to Leave | Norah Casey | TEDxDublinInstituteofTechnology

A powerful personal testimony from domestic abuse survivor Norah Casey on the complex and misunderstood reason why women stay in violent relationships. The real question, she says, is not why we stay but how do we leave. Having spoken to other domestic abuse survivors she charts what she believes are the four phases of an abusive intimate relationship from seduction to the final blow and the hardest (and most dangerous) part of all – having the courage to finally walk away. Broadcaster and publishing entrepreneur Norah Casey was formerly a Dragon in the popular television series Dragons’ den and is a well-known radio and television personality. Her book Spark! was published by Penguin in 2015 and her TedX talk The Cure for Grief has been watched by thousands.

Over the past five years Norah has helped over 1000 business start-ups directly and indirectly. While most of her work in start-ups began as a result of her role in Dragons’ Den she has extended her reach beyond that into other investment spaces. As well as owning Harmonia Publishing Ltd, which is engaged in magazine publishing, digital media, app development, events, creative communications and data analysis, Norah also owns Harmonia Investments (home to a range of investments in diverse areas such as home storage, children’s accessories, media and fashion in both the UK and Ireland). She also owns her own production company Miss Clover Media. Her expertise is in moulding budding entrepreneurs into potential business owners. She does one to one consultations, runs business clinics for budding entrepreneurs and SMEs and mentors early stage start-ups and those seeking growth potential at two to three years maturation. She also hosts, speaks and moderates at a wide range of conferences, seminars, training programmes and bespoke mentorship programmes here and abroad. She is currently writing her second book: Secrets of a Dragon: The 100 Things You Need to Know To Start Your Own Business.
A journalist and former nurse, Norah has been Ireland’s Publisher of the Year no fewer than four times. She has served on numerous boards and is currently a member of the Press Council of Ireland, the London-based Womens Irish Network and The International Womens Forum. She is a former Veuve Clicquot Business Woman of the Year. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Managing A Narcissist | Ann Barnes | TEDxCollingwood

Narcissists are on the rise, especially in the workforce. While the research is still out on why this is happening; Ann Barnes outlines the different kinds of narcissists, and provides a framework on how to work with them (or not!). Ann began her legal career acting as a lawyer and business advisor for numerous private and publicly held companies. She specialized in corporate securities and intellectual property law within the entertainment and consumer packaged goods industries.

Her parallel passion for health and wellness led her to quit law and found and operate a number of superfood companies. Ann is a well-respected public speaker and health advocate and has written two health based recipe books: “Be a Better Being” and “Eat Super, Be Super”.

Over 6 years ago, Ann’s passion for plant-based wellness and entrepreneurial opportunities resulted in her funding, co-founding and acting as Chairman for the first Canadian licensed Medical Cannabis Company: Peace Naturals Project. A year ago she sold the majority of her interest to the medical cannabis public company.

Her greatest accomplishment is being a Mom to her 2 teens, who keep her on her game at all times. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

How Did Your Parents Mess You Up? | Fiona Douglas | TEDxPuxi

Parenting is always a reflection of our best selves and our worst selves. Despite good intentions and efforts, every parent has deficits which can harm children with lifelong trauma and even death. Fiona Douglas suggests a way to remedy parental deficits so that all children can experience safer and more secure childhoods. Fiona Douglas is an advocate for greater awareness of child abuse and domestic violence issues. Over the past ten years, Fiona has supported hundreds of people in crisis in the UK and in China. Most importantly, she has been inspired by the courage of people living in crisis, and the power of conversations to change lives. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Powering the African marketplace: Herman Chinery-Hesse at TEDxEuston

Herman Chinery-Hesse is a software engineer by profession, although his early training was Industrial / Manufacturing technology. Twenty years ago, he co-founded the SOFTtribe Limited, which became the leading software house in Ghana and possibly West Africa. Hermans current venture Black Star line (BSL), seeks to financially empower rural Africans via e-commerce via their webmall ( as well as their proprietary novel, global payment system and related technology, which serves as the platform for their «African liberty cards/credits» (ALC). Herman has won a number of awards including «Outstanding Ghanaian Professional» and «Distinguished Alumnus Award» from the Texas State Alumni Association and Texas State University-San Marcos, USA. He is the first and currently only African recipient of the award. He was a speaker TEDGlobal conference in Arusha, Tanzania. The BBC describes him as «Ghanas Bill Gates» and he is widely viewed as an African technology giant. Herman believes that «If Africa misses the current global IT boat and participation in resultant new economy, there may never again be another opportunity for rapid wealth creation on the continent». He is smart, dedicated and passionate about Africa.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.

Change Your Life by Overcoming Your Fears | Toyin Oyemade | TEDxGbagada

John Sumonu is an embodiment of courage. Toyin Oyemade, by using his life experience, points out lessons on how we can find the courage to chase our dreams.

Toyin Oyemade is the creative, passionate, fearless and driven founder of StoryTeller Media. She is a content developer, producer and filmmaker. Her 2nd film “UNBROKEN; The John Sumonu Story”, produced in 2104 was nominated for best documentary at the ‘Abuja International Film Festival’, 2014.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Digitisation in Nigerian Public Schools | Dr. Mina Ogbanga | TEDxPortHarcourt

The educational sector in Nigeria is in a precarious state and as such, social change is far-fetched because education is a key driver for social change. There has been a huge disruption in the sector since the emergence of the Covid-19 crisis, which exposed the capitalism in education in Nigeria.
Dr. Mina in her talk questions and addresses the widening infrastructural and technological gaps between private and public institutions. She also addresses the effects of governments failure to mainstream digital learning and initiate an efficient fiscal policy on education in Nigeria.
She affirms that a responsive educational system builds resilient societies. Dr. Mina is a multiple award-winning Development Activist, a Ford Foundation fellow and a certified trainer and facilitator. She has over 20 years’ experience in development facilitation and has supported strategic development activities locally and globally. She has studied in several tertiary Institutions with a strong desire to search for global solutions to local problems. Her second PhD in Development Studies paved the way for the promotion of coping and adaptation strategies to pandemics and won her many awards. She has studied in several local, national and international institutions including Harvard University, Cambridge University etc.
An acadapreneur, who reads at night and sells in the day. She serves as the Africa Lead on the Global A4SD and the National Coordinator Partnership, Policy and Programs of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Her passion for community Development and Gender Mainstreaming has been at the heart of all her engagements. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Семья, как проект | Ekaterina Inozemtseva | TEDxSadovoeRingWomen

Мы измеряем эффективность нашей работы, ставим цели и стараемся добиваться результатов. Почему бы не применить все эти бизнес навыки в семье и личной жизни?

Автор бестселлера «Стартап без купюр», со-основатель ОЖ и проекта TheOstrov

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Правила в жизни: инструкция по применению | Максим Корсаков | TEDxMahilyow

Что общего у законов христианской морали и правил поведения при пожаре? Почему за то, за что сейчас мы уважаем человека, пятьдесят лет назад его могли убить.

Мы живем в мире правил и игнорировать их нельзя. Вы можете быть конформистом или нонконформистом, но плывёте вы по течению или против течения, вы всё равно внутри потока.

Владелец ресторана японской кухни, изучает философию в БГУ (Минск, Беларусь).

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Travelling without money, how and why ? | Edouard Jacqmin | TEDxArtsEtMétiersAngers

Dans ce talk en Anglais, Edouard Jacqmin nous parle de son expérience de voyager à travers lEurope sans argent pendant 21 jours, et les conséquences que ce voyage a eu sur sa manière de voir les relations humaines.

La plupart d’entre nous rêvons de voyager. Mais beaucoup d’entre nous croient que nous ne pouvons pas à cause du manque d’argent. À 24 ans, j’ai voyagé en Europe de l’Est pendant 21 jours sans dépenser un seul centime. Un jour, j’ai vidé mon portefeuille et j’ai décidé de prendre la route. Traversant 5 pays différents, j’ai appris au cours de cette aventure incroyable 4 leçons que nous pouvons tous appliquer dans notre vie quotidienne.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

The value of travel | Rick Steves | TEDxRainier

After spending 4 months a year for the last 30 years living out of a suitcase, Rick Steves reflects on the value of thoughtful travel. Sharing lessons learned from Iran to El Salvador and from India to Denmark, Steves tells why spending all that time and money away from home has broadened his perspective, enriched his life, and made it clear to him, as he says in his talk, «Fear is for people who dont get out very much.»

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)