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Finding Happiness in an Uncertain World | Geshe Lakdor | TEDxDharamshala

Geshe Lakdor unveils the concepts behind finding happiness in this fast ever-changing, uncertain world. He discusses the need for Unconditional Love instead of Business Love in our lives to attain long-lasting peace and happiness.
Geshe Lakdor served as the translator to The Dalai Lama, Heads the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives

Your mind is the source of all your sorrow and joy | Ani Trime Lhamo | TEDxCarnegieLake

All that we are is a result of our thoughts! In this talk, Ani Trime Lhamo shares seemingly obvious, yet surprisingly overlooked, values of the human mind and the powerful influence of our thoughts on us. She explores imagination and meditation as tools to revive ourselves and raise our perception of self-worth.

The Venerable Bhikshuni Karma Trime Lhamo, an American-born Buddhist nun, is the director of the Princeton Buddhist Meditation Group. A practitioner for nearly 40 years, Ani Trime originally studied with Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, one of the first Tibetan Buddhist masters to teach in the West, and she is now a student of the Tibetan teacher Anam Thubten. She has also studied and practiced to some extent in the Theravada and Zen traditions. Ani Trime’s down-to-earth, straightforward approach emphasizes meditation practice, kindness, and everyday experience, all presented with humor and warmth.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

Life is easy. Why do we make it so hard? | Jon Jandai | TEDxDoiSuthep

Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: bit.ly/1FAg8hB

Jon is a farmer from northeastern Thailand. He founded the Pun Pun Center for Self-reliance, an organic farm outside Chiang Mai, with his wife Peggy Reents in 2003. Pun Pun doubles as a center for sustainable living and seed production, aiming to bring indigenous and rare seeds back into use. It regularly hosts training on simple techniques to live more sustainably. Outside of Pun Pun, Jon is a leader in bringing the natural building movement to Thailand, appearing as a spokesperson on dozens of publications and TV programs for the past 10 years. He continually strives to find easier ways for people to fulfill their basic needs. For more information visit www.punpunthailand.org

About TEDx, x = independently organized event

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

How to end stress, unhappiness and anxiety to live in a beautiful state | Preetha ji | TEDxKC

If you are stressed-out, anxious or chronically unhappy; this talk will lead you through an authentic journey of self-knowing and freedom to illuminate the root causes of stress. Combining storytelling and meditation, Preethaji’s teachings help shift her students from living in a stressful-state, to living in what she describes as a beautiful state.
In 2009 Preethaji started One World Academy with her husband Krishnaji. One World Academy is a wisdom school for enlightenment based in a new tradition where the focus is on knowing oneself and discovering that we are connected to all that exists.

Preethaji is an enlightened world teacher whose vision is to free individuals of all forms of unhappiness. Preethajis teachings challenge every justification for living in sorrow and inner isolation or unconscious psychological conformity.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Extreme Exoplanet Systems | Jason Steffen | TEDxUNLV

There are many kinds of planets and planetary systems that we knew nothing about just 20 years ago. Many of these planets and systems have gone through significant disruption events, have exotic dynamical histories, strange orbits. Others have been ejected completely from their systems and are wandering alone among the stars. Jason Steffen discusses our solar system and earth in the context of these extrasolar counterparts and looks at the fates we have thus far avoided.

As assistant professor of physics at UNLV Dr. Jason Steffen studies the characteristics of planets that are orbiting distant stars. He has served as a member of NASA’s Kepler mission for nearly ten years and co-chairs the working group that investigates the dynamical properties of these extrasolar systems. Steffen and his collaborators have discovered nearly 1000 planets orbiting distant stars and identified several thousand new planet candidates.

Prior to this, Steffen was a Lindheimer Fellow at Northwestern University and a Brinson Fellow in particle astrophysics at Fermilab where, in addition to work in exoplanets, he studied dark matter and dark energy. Steffen has authored, or co-authored over 60 papers which have been cited over 8000 times in the scholarly literature.

Steffen’s most famous papers, quite unrelated to either exoplanets or dark matter, are on the optimum method to board passengers onto airplanes (the currently undefeated «Steffen Method»).

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

How dogs love us | Dr. Gregory Berns | TEDxAtlanta

Ever wondered what your dog is thinking? Does he really miss you when you’re gone? Finally, we have the answer, thanks to MRI technology.

Dr. Gregory Berns is revealing how our mind works, helping us to explore unknown connections along the way.

Using advanced brain imaging technologies in his extensive research, Dr. Gregory Berns has helped us better understand human motivation and decision-making. His most recent work explores and details how dogs love us, uncovering the empathy and the bonds we both feel.

Dr Berns research is frequently the subject of popular media coverage including articles in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Money, Oprah, Forbes, The Financial Times, Wired, The New Scientists and the International Herald Tribune. He is the author of the New York Times bestseller How Dogs Love Us and also speaks frequently on CNN and NPR

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

Why Sitting Down Destroys You | Roger Frampton | TEDxLeamingtonSpa

Fitness expert and male model, Roger Frampton, discusses how chairs are your enemy, how attitudes towards exercise are flawed and suggests an alternative way to look at how our bodies can become strong and agile.

Register for free at roger.coach/register for further tutorials and information and follow on www.youtube.com/c/rogerframptonguru and *https://www.instagram.com/rogerframpton/?hl=en
www.instagram.com/rogerframpton/?hl=en* for videos and tips on how to move and regain your bodys natural movement

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

What if we brought color to 50 Shades of Grey? | Patricia Hawley | TEDxTexasTechUniversity

Patricia examines the underlying themes in 50 Shades of Grey and questions the media’s response to the film. She shares her research about the similarities of fantasies experienced by both women and men.

Patricia Hawley, Ph.D., is a professor of educational psychology in the Department of Educational Psychology

The Unstoppable Power of Letting Go | Jill Sherer Murray | TEDxWilmingtonWomen

Letting go can make you unstoppable.

Jill recounts her story of love, loss and new life. Through the challenges of an uncommitted boyfriend, her fear of letting go, and becoming comfortable with the ramifications of letting go.

Jill shares the 5 Steps she took to change what didn’t work and make welcome what she desired in her life and relationships.

Jill is an award-winning journalist and communications leader who can trace every success in her career (and love life) to letting go. In her current role, she leads a team of creatives in developing education and marketing campaigns for the national consulting firm Trion Group, a Marsh