Erlan Sagadiyev at TEDxAlmaty

Предприниматель, Экономист, Политолог.
Советник Премьер-министра Республики Казахстан.

Окончил Казахский Государственный Университет им. С.М. Кирова г. Алматы, Магистр университета штата Миннесота.

В разное время: основатель и председатель Совета Директоров ОАО Компания ФудМастер», президент Frontier Mining Ltd, председатель правления АО «Каспий Нефть», один из основателей и президент Международного IT Университета, Университета Международного Бизнеса (г.Алматы).

Проблемы ранних браков в Казахстане | Газиза Молдакулова | TEDxAbayStWomen

Прерванное детство и упущенные возможности. Почему до сих пор в Казахстане по разным данным ежедневно 3-5 несовершеннолетних девочек выходят замуж? И как складывается их жизнь после такого решения? Экспертка по ранним бракам и гендерным вопросам Газиза делится своим опытом в этом выступлении. Координаторка программ ЮНФПА в области охраны сексуального и репродуктивного здоровья This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Время пришло наполнить понятие "уят" актуальным содержанием | Сауле Мектепбаева | TEDxAstanaWomen

Как переосмысление понятия «уят» может ускорить создание правового государства

Время пришло наполнить понятие «уят» новым, актуальным содержанием

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Жизнь в стиле «ноль отходов» /"Zero-waste" lifestyle | Irina Kozlovskikh | TEDxKulibinPark

Спикер TEDxKulibinPark, Ирина Козловских, за целый год отправила на свалку в 1000 раз меньше мусора, чем среднестатистический человек, а именно, всего 500 граммов.
Ирина – эколог, работает в «Greenpeace Россия», выступает с лекциями об образе жизни «ноль отходов» и на своем примере рассказывает, какие простые шаги помогут действительно изменить экологическую ситуацию. Эколог, сотрудница отдела медиа Greenpeace России. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Bullying and Corporate Psychopaths at Work: Clive Boddy at TEDxHanzeUniversity

Clive is a Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior at Middlesex University in England. For the past seven years, he has studied the evidence and effects of toxic leadership, and in particular the influence of the presence of corporate psychopaths on various workplace outcomes, including on levels of conflict and bullying at work.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

What Representing Men in Divorce Taught Me About Fatherhood | Marilyn York | TEDxUniversityofNevada

Attorney Marilyn York owns a Men’s Rights Family Law Firm in Reno Nevada, established in 2001. She and her ten female employees focus on representing men for two reasons: 1. As her talk explains, fathers are crucial in the upbringing and development of their children; and 2. Fathers are the disadvantaged parent in family court and society and while the laws are improving, the statistics are not. There are currently more than 17,000,000 children growing up in America without their fathers and every year this number is growing. According to the Center for Disease Control, children from fatherless homes account for 90% of homeless and runaway children; 71% of high school dropouts and 63% of youth suicides. Listen to this talk to find out how you can help Americas 17,000,000 fatherless children avoid these fates! Marilyn D. York is a Mens Rights Divorce Attorney, licensed in California since 1998 and Nevada since 1999, where she is a Certified Family Law Specialist. Since 2001, Marilyn has owned her law firm in Reno, Nevada, where she and her 9 female employees specifically represent men in divorce and family law battles. Marilyn chose her career because of her passion for children and relationships but most of all, Marilyn is driven to help underdogs. While the laws are improving for men, not all laws are yet gender equal and the interpretation and enforcement of those that are, have a long way to go. Despite her focus on representing men, Marilyn has a deep compassion for women in need as well. It isnt lost on Marilyn that women remain disadvantaged outside Family Court. She serves that need as Board President for a local housing program for homeless young women, Nevada Youth Empowerment Project, or NYEP. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

The Question I Almost Didnt Ask And How It Changed My Life | Rita Wilson | TEDxNashvilleWomen

So many people never ask themselves what they want. Maybe its because they think they have everything already, or because theyre afraid its too late. But if we dont ask ourselves what we want, theres no way well ever know if our dreams are possible, or what it would take to achieve them. Until recently, that was my story. I was living an amazing, beautiful life, and I didnt feel I deserved to even contemplate anything more. This talk is about why I decided to finally ask myself that question, and what happened when I did. Although Rita Wilson is well-known as an actress and film producer, her most recent projects have all been connected to her passion for music. After achieving her dream in 2012 with the critically acclaimed album AM/FM — an intimate, elegant, and beautifully sung collection of classics from the ‘60s and ‘70s — Wilson has been focusing on a new component of her musical career as a songwriter. Recently, she has collaborated with a number of talented and successful songwriters, composing original material featured on her second album, self-titled Rita Wilson. Her new album Halfway to Home (March 2019) has a fuller sound: Southern California rock meets Nashville country, co-produced by Rita Wilson and Nathan Chapman with additional production from Ron Aniello and John Shanks. Many of the songs were co-written with an A-List group of songwriters, including Grammy winner Liz Rose, Kristian Bush of Sugarland, Mozella, Mitch Allan, and Kara DioGuardi. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Intermittent Fasting: Transformational Technique | Cynthia Thurlow | TEDxGreenville

NOTE FROM TED: Please do not look to this talk for medical advice and consult a medical professional before adopting an intermittent fasting regiment. This talk only represents the speaker’s views on fasting, diet, and health. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give organizers are described in more detail here:

Two-thirds of women 40-59 years old are overweight and more than 1/2 are obese. Intermittent fasting can help women lose weight effectively. And can have profound impact on bio-physical profiles, but also improved self esteem and interpersonal relationships. It is easy to implement, it is inexpensive and flexible.

Cynthia is a Western medicine trained nurse practitioner and functional nutritionist who is passionate about female hormonal health. She believes that the inherent power of food and nutrition can be your greatest asset to your health and wellness journey. She works 1:1 with female clients and is the creator of Wholistic Blueprint a 6-week signature program for female hormonal health, shes also the co-host of Everyday Wellness podcast and a recurring segment contributor on her local ABC affiliate in Washington, DC. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

What dying patients taught this doctor about the fear of death | Fahad Saeed | TEDxRochester

Through intimate personal reflections and patient stories, Fahad Saeed, MD shares his personal journey with the fear of death. In the end, he is surprised to find a simple answer to embracing his own mortality. Dr. Fahad Saeed is a nephrologist and a palliative care specialist who studies dialysis decision-making and end-of-life experiences. His personal life experience as an immigrant and care of patients with serious illnesses have taught him valuable lesson about matters of life and death – and he seeks to share them with everyone. people/29443826-fahad-saeed This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

I grew up in a cult. It was heaven -- and hell. | Lilia Tarawa | TEDxChristchurch

Lilia Tarawa was brought up in the Gloriavale Christian Community on the West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand, where she was constantly surrounded by everyone she loved. But over time, she began to see the dark side of her community, and ultimately realised that she had to get out. In this raw and emotional talk, Lilia shares the reality of life in a cult, and her heart-wrenching journey to break free.

Lilia Tarawa is a New Zealand writer, speaker, holistic health consultant and business coach. She is a member of the Māori Ngāi Tahu tribe. Lilia was born into New Zealands infamous religious cult, Gloriavale, and fled with her eleven family members at eighteen years of age. Her extraordinary life experience compelled her to pursue a career promoting human rights, welfare and empowerment.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at