Smart Materials | Anna Ploszajski | TEDxYouth@Manchester

Anna Ploszajski is an award-winning materials scientist, engineer and communicator, and was
recently made Young Engineer of the Year 2017 by The Royal Academy of Engineering. She
regularly performs stand-up comedy about science, has appeared on national television and
radio, and produces her own podcast about materials called ‘rial talk. She has authored a
chapter on smart materials in Professor Jim Al-Khalili’s new popular science book, What’s
Next?.. Anna Ploszajski is a materials scientist, engineer and communicator, and was recently named Young Engineer of the Year by the Royal Academy of Engineering. She has just finished her engineering doctorate at UCL in hydrogen storage materials, sponsored by industrial partner Cella Energy.
Anna received a First Class Honours degree (MEng) in Materials Science from Oxford University in 2013. During this she won a host of prizes and scholarships from Mansfield College, Rolls-Royce and the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.
Anna is a science communicator, regularly performing stand-up comedy with Bright Club and Science Showoff across the country as well as talks to adult and family audiences. She’s a proud member of the Science Showoff Talent Factory, and was a FameLab national finalist in 2017. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

The wonder material of the 21st century | Monica Cracuin

Graphene – the material that you find at the end of your pencil – has been hailed as a wonder material of the 21st century. Researchers from the Centre for Graphene Science at the University of Exeter explain how it is capable of revolutionising the way our technology works, making it stronger, better and faster. Monica Craciun is Professor in the Engineering Department at the University of Exeter and a leading expert in nanomaterials. She has been awarded a prestigious Engineering Fellowship for Growth, aimed at maintaining UK’s leadership in Advanced Materials (which is one of the eight Great Technologies identified as crucial for the future prosperity of the UK).

Dimitar, who is currently a Research Consultant at Cast, was Monica’s PhD student at the University of Exeter. He came up with the idea of using graphene to make concrete stronger, which ultimately leads to 50% reduction of carbon emissions in the construction industry. His invention attracted a lot of media attention and got shortlisted for the UK TechFest 2018 awards. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Materials For The Future - The Plant Age | Oded Shoseyov | TEDxGateway

Bringing together the toughness of cellulose nano-fibers from the plant kingdom, the remarkable elasticity and resilience of resilin that enables cat flees to jump as high as 100 times their height from the insect kingdom combined with Human collagen for bio-printing of tissues and organs and humanized antibodies as biologic drugs.

These are the materials of the future, all maybe produced in plants. A faculty member of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Prof. Shoseyov’s research is in plant molecular biology protein engineering and nano-biotechnology. His group focus on Bio-Inspired Nanocomposite materials.

He has authored or co-authored more than 200 scientific publications and is the inventor or co-inventor of 62 patents. Shoseyov is a TED speaker and co-owner and winemaker of BRAVDO winery ( named after his mentor, and partner Prof. Ben Ami Bravdo.

Prof. Shoseyov received the Outstanding Scientist Polak Award for 2002, the 1999 and 2010 Kay Award for Innovative and Applied Research, The 2012 Israel Prime Minister Citation for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, The 2018 Presidential Award for his contribution to the Economy and Society of Israel. He is the scientific founder of 14 companies. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Regenerative Medicine: the Future of Tissue Repair | George Christ | TEDxUVA

Modern medicine can treat severe injuries like never before, but even with todays technology, there are limits to the healing of tissue in wounded adults. In an optimistic glimpse into the future, Dr. George Christ introduces the growing concept of regenerative medicine, and its role in the healing of veterans and civilians.

Dr. George Christ is a Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Virginia. He is also the Director of Basic and Translational Research in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the UVA Medical School. He is also a co-inventor of more than 26 patents related to gene therapy for the treatment of human smooth muscle disorders and tissue engineering technologies.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Whats Your Type? | Jean Kummerow | TEDxGrinnellCollege

AN MBTI expert takes the audience through the different personality types with humor and personal experience.

Jean specializes in leadership/management development and coaching and team building has worked with a variety of for-profit, non-profit and government organizations. She is a leadership coach and coordinates the coaching consultants for the Blandin Foundation’s Community Leadership Program, a program developing leaders from Minnesota’s rural communities. She trains professionals internationally in the use of psychological instruments, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) and the MBTI Step II™ assessments. She is listed in Who’s Who in American Women. She was named one of Minnesota’s best-known experts in career development to commemorate 50 years of vocational and career support by the Minnesota Career Development Association. A number of years ago, she appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show as an expert on psychological testing and was featured in a short television spot on the Smart Women series.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

The six degrees | Kevin Bacon | TEDxMidwest

Kevin Bacon has starred in some of the most influential films in cinema history. Ingrained into our popular culture forever, Bacons films span every genre of the human condition. In true Bacon style, he embraced the «Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon» trivia phenomenon and founded, a charitable initiative that links people to charities and each other for the purpose of making a difference.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Everything is Connected -- Heres How: | Tom Chi | TEDxTaipei

Tom Chi認為「萬物都有相關聯」或「事出必有因」的說法,其實不只是純粹哲學的形上思考,而是有各種科學根據證明這個理論的。而找出這個現象象徵的意義是什麼,或許就能解開人類之所以存在的秘密....?

Tom Chi has worked in a wide range of roles from astrophysical researcher to Fortune 500 consultant to corporate executive developing new hardware/software products and services. He has played a significant role in established projects with global reach (Microsoft Outlook, Yahoo Search), and scaled new projects from conception to significance (Yahoo Answers from 0 to 90 million users).

His current focus is delving into human development issues with social entrepreneurs around the globe, rebooting the fundamental frameworks of entrepreneurship itself, and teaching a limited numb

當試圖定義這個時代創業意義的Voltaic Labs,碰上以創新和新穎計畫聞名的Google X,他們的共通點,就是Tom Chi。

他是天文學家、是網路與軟體工程師、是科學家、創新大師。他曾說:「我們不能忘記跨出書本,改變世界!」藉由Tom Chi的快速原型設計(rapid prototyping),他成功地在網路時代領導Yahoo從0到9千萬用戶,接著創造了Google Glass,近年更開啟Google自動駕駛車計畫。


This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

The Most Unexpected Acoustic Guitar Performance | The Showhawk Duo | TEDxKlagenfurt

Music works a lot like language does — except instead of words and ideas, it expresses emotions and intent. It also gives us an oxytocin boost, which plays an important role in increasing bonding and trust between people. The Showhawk Duo bonded TEDxKlagenfurt’s audience with their spectacular approach to playing the guitar. Listen to the magic they created on stage with their version of Insomnia — I cant get no sleep, Tiesto’s Adagio For Strings or the most unexpected thing you can expect on a guitar Bohemian Rhapsody. Young British guitarists Mikhail Asanovic and Jake Wright, together known as The Showhawk Duo, started out as buskers and have since gone on to play all over the globe. They have appeared on BBC Radio 1 on the Nick Grimshaw’s Breakfast Show, they performed for the LAD Bible and BBC Radio Bristol. They played at the UKs large festivals including the Main Stage at Bestival, Glastonbury, Secret Garden Party, Wilderness, Somersault and more. International performances include F1 Grand Prix in Singapore, Seychelles, club tours in Spain, Switzerland and the Netherlands and a 20 — date residency at Pacha in Ibiza. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Stretching the Limits of the Acoustic Guitar | Trace Bundy | TEDxBoulder

The fan-dubbed “Acoustic Ninja” must be seen to be believed, using harmonics, looping, multiple capos, and his unique banter and stage presence to deliver an unforgettable live experience. Listening to his intricate arrangements is one thing, but seeing him play live confounds even the most accomplished music lovers as to how one person can do all that with just two hands and ten fingers. Internationally-acclaimed guitar virtuoso Trace Bundy shares his musical artistry with us this year. Fan-dubbed “The Acoustic Ninja,” his music must be seen to be believed, using harmonics, looping, and multiple capos to confound even the most accomplished music lovers as to how one person can do all that with just two hands and ten fingers. Trace’s witty banter and stage presence delivers an unforgettable live concert experience.

Trace is based in Boulder, but his unique career has brought him across the world, with concerts in 28 countries and counting — from high-tech performance halls in South Korea and Italy, to remote villages in Zimbabwe and Guatemala. His video clips have circulated virally, with over 43 million YouTube views to date. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

My journey to self love | Dr Andrea Pennington | TEDxPeterborough

NOTE FROM TED: While some viewers might find advice provided in this talk to be helpful as a complementary approach, please do not look to this talk for medical advice. Weve flagged this talk for falling outside TEDxs curatorial guidelines. This talk only represents the speaker’s personal understanding of and experiences with depression, mental health, and visions. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give organizers are described in more detail here:

For decades, Dr. Andrea Pennington hid her battle with depression and anxiety. As a popular American medical journalist and TV host she survived her high powered media career as a functional depressive. Denying her true passion for artistic expression became so painful that she hit rock bottom with depression and burnout. In despair she went on a journey that led to a surprising musical epiphany, an out of body experience and an awakening, which helped her reconnect to the essence of her Authentic Self. This inspired her to go on a journey of inner work, self-exploration and self-expression.

Now, Dr. Andrea speaks globally to reduce the stigma of mental illness and to support people on their journey to overcoming trauma and embracing authentic living. She also sings and teaches the principles of real self love through the non-profit Real Self Love Movement as part of her mission to help as many people as possible whove also battled self-hatred, imposter syndrome and depression.

Dr. Andrea Pennington is an integrative physician, acupuncturist, meditation teacher and international bestselling author of several books. She is also a documentary filmmaker, visionary brand strategist for Light workers and Founder of the #RealSelfLove Movement.​ ​Andreas latest book and song, both entitled ​I Love You, Me!, ​explores her personal journey from depression to real self-love.

As shared in her first inspiring TEDx talk entitled Become Who You Really Are, Andrea candidly explains that overcoming long history of hidden depression and anxiety came via an out-of-body near death-line experience which allowed her to break free to love and express her authentic self. She believes that true happiness comes from within and it comes naturally when we integrate our whole being.

As a sought-after media personality Dr. Andrea has shared her candid, empowering insights on vitality and resilience on the ​Oprah Winfrey Show, the ​Dr. Oz Show​, iTV ​This Morning, C​ NN, the ​Today Show,​ LUXE-TV, Thrive Global and HuffingtonPost and as a news anchor for Discovery Health Channel. She also produced a 4-part documentary series entitled ​Simple Steps to a Balanced Natural Pregnancy​.

Leveraging her 20 years of experience in broadcast and digital media she proudly helps people bring their brilliance to the world through publishing and media production. Her 21-Day Compassion Meditation Series is useful in breaking down barriers to self-love and deep intimacy. She is also the creator of The Attunement Meditation Process, a 5-step mindfulness meditation taught online and used around the world to lower stress, boost resilience and enhance intimacy.
TEDxPeterborough on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 at The Key Theatre. Our theme was Variety Is The Spice Of Life. Dr Andrea’s extensive study of medical nutrition, positive psychology and biohacking led her to create a holistic media platform, In8Vitality, blending ancient wisdom and modern science for enhanced vitality and life mastery.

Andrea is also a highly acclaimed TEDx speaker, visionary brand strategist for light workers and Co-founder of the #RealSelfLove Movement.

As a sought-after media personality Dr. Andrea has shared her candid, empowering insights on resilience on the Oprah Winfrey Show, the Dr Oz Show, iTV This Morning, CNN, the Today Show, LUXE-TV, Thrive Global and HuffingtonPost and as a news anchor for Discovery Health Channel.

Andrea’s latest book, I Love You, Me! explores her personal journey from depression to real self-love. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at