What is love? A journey through the heart | Mia Hansson | TEDxDouglas

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. What is love indeed?

Born to parents from two different continents, Mia grew up and worked in Europe, Africa and South East Asia. Even while helping her nuclear physicist father and geneticist mother at work, Mia had a hunch that there was more to life than science alone. Obsessed with finding the answer to the question of love she travelled through Tibet, studied jungle survival with Bruce Parry in Borneo, worked as a model in Paris, a journalist in Bangkok, and a human rights researcher in the Middle East, before going to live for a year at a Zen monastery. Finally, she found the answer — with unexpected results. Now a writer about spiritual life in the real world and training to be a counsellor, Mia’s work has been featured in the Guardian, the BBC, The Huffington Post, Time Out, and as Editor to the Buddhist Society. She has an MA in Comparative Literature, three post graduate degrees and a Millennium Award from Jon Snow.

About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Ayurveda Over Western Medicines | Dr. B.M HEGDE | TEDxMITE

NOTE FROM TED: Weve flagged this talk, which was filmed at a TEDx event, because it contains many assertions about Ayurveda that are not supported by the scientific community. Please do not look to this talk for medical advice. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here: storage.ted.com/tedx/manuals/tedx_content_guidelines.pdf

Dr.BM Hegde speaks on the idea of how the ayurvedic medicines are far better for the human body than western medicines. He talks about important theories on how the human body actually functions with a given environment and how Ayurveda blends itself with the human body. Dr.Hegde speaks about the importance of meta medicines which would eventually decide the health factor of humans on earth.

Dr.B.M Hegde is an Indian medical scientist, educationist, and author. He is the former Vice Chancellor of Manipal University, Co-Chairman of the TAG-VHS Diabetes Research Centre, Chennai and the chairman of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mangalore. He has authored several books on medical practice and ethics. He is also the Editor in Chief of the medical journal, Journal of the Science of Healing Outcomes. He was awarded the Dr. B. C. Roy Award in 1999. In 2010, he was honored with the Padma Bhushan, one of Indias highest civilian awards. His articles and ideas in medicine are appreciated internationally and his passion for educating people is everlasting.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

How to make diseases disappear | Rangan Chatterjee | TEDxLiverpool

Can you actually make a disease disappear? Dr Rangan Chatterjee thinks you can. Often referred to as the doctor of the future, Rangan is changing the way that we look at illness and how medicine will be practised in years to come. He highlighted his methods in the groundbreaking BBC TV show, Doctor In The House, gaining him much acclaim from patients, his contemporaries and the media.

He is the author of the international bestseller, The 4 Pillar Plan — amzn.to/2yGfpuB which has been released in the USA and Canada under the title, How to Make Disease Disappear — amzn.to/2GstJf6 Rangan’s 15 years of clinical experience in the NHS includes internal medicine, immunology and general practice. A pioneer in the emerging field of progressive medicine, he also uses techniques from other disciplines he has studied including movement kinetics and functional medicine.

His own journey of learning was accelerated when family members fell ill and now Rangan is helping people to take control of their health by addressing the root causes of their illnesses, something which is often not achieved in 21st century health care, evidenced by a steady increase in the rates of chronic disease.

Rangan is a super-generalist, looking at as many factors as possible which can create wellness or illness. His talk is testament to how our thinking around the concept of disease needs to change to help form a map for future healthcare.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

Change is life | Dr. B M HEGDE | TEDxGlobalAcademy

NOTE FROM TED: Please do not look to this talk for medical advice. We’ve flagged this talk, which was filmed at a TEDx event, because it contains sweeping generalizations and medical fallacies. The assertions about medicine are based on the speakers own theory and lack legitimate scientific support. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here: storage.ted.com/tedx/manuals/tedx_content_guidelines.pdf

The contemporary medical research has come up with enough evidence that mind is the seat of all diseases and that we are surrounded by myths. Dr.B M Hegde is a medical scientist, cardiologist, educationist and author who has contributed immensely in the field of healthcare medical science. He speaks about how change is found everywhere and that change is life. He talks about the level of difficulty seen in removing myths. He cites the examples of taking medicines for minor illnesses which otherwise could be cured by sipping hot water which destroys the virus or by using the readily available Indian herbs. A good doctor according to him is the one who empathizes and builds faith in his patient. He says that change is a must and science has to change. He stresses on the fact that knowledge advances by changing myths and not by repeating the known things. This talk was given at an independently organised TEDx event using the TED conference format. Dr.B M Hegde is an Indian medical scientist, educationist and an author. Dr. Hegde is Padma Bhushan awardee 2010. He is the former Vice Chancellor of Manipal University, Co-Chairman of the TAG-VHS Diabetes Research Centre, Chennai and the chairman of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mangalore. He has authored several books on medical practice and ethics. He is also the Editor in Chief of the medical journal, Journal of the Science of Healing Outcomes.He is MBBS, Ph. D. [Hon. Causa], MD, FRCP [London], FRCP [Edinburgh], FRCP [Glasgow], FRCPI [Dublin], FACC [USA] and FAMS. He also received training in cardiology from Harvard Medical School under Bernard Lown, a Nobel Laureate. He has won Dr. B C Roy National Award in the category of an Eminent Medical Teacher, Dr. J. C. Bose Award for Life Sciences Research, PRIDE OF INDIA Award from the Pacific Association of Indians in California and many more This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Николай Азаров. "ГОРДОН" (2019)

Интервью Дмитрия Гордона с экс-премьер-министром Украины Николаем Азаровым в программе «ГОРДОН» на канале «НАШ»
Полная текстовая версия интервью: gordonua.com/publications/azarov-nuzhno-bylo-izolirovat-tyagniboka-pashinskogo-turchinova-yacenyuka-a-oligarhov-kotorye-dengi-vydelyali-na-maydan-vzyat-za-shkirku-1334944.html

Продолжение интервью: www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhiSsAwmO08

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Смотрите программы Дмитрия Гордона, следите за новостями и читайте аналитику на общественно-политическом сайте «ГОРДОН»: gordonua.com/

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Друзья, мы рады комментариям и дискуссии, но нецензурная лексика будет удаляться, а злостные нарушители — баниться.

#Азаров #Азаров_Гордон

Один день с... Один день с медведем Степаном

Пара дрессировщиков Светлана и Юрий Пантелеенко впервые увидели медведя Степу в зоопарке, когда ему было всего 3 месяца. Сородичи не подпускали медвежонка к еде, и он был совсем маленький и слабый. «Он тогда подошёл ко мне, забрался на руки, обнял и начал лизать мне ухо», — вспоминает Юрий Пантелеенко. С тех пор, уже 23 года, Степан живёт в семье дрессировщиков. Один день с русским медведем – в новом выпуске программы Эвы Голинджер.

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Охота на волков 1.

В Южной Якутии в связи с запретом яда, для добычи волков, увеличилось их численность. В связи с этим, участились нападки на домашних оленей, а также на дикий животный мир (лось, олени, изюбр, и тд.). Смотрите видео, делайте выводы.

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Девчата (комедия, реж. Юрий Чулюкин, 1961 г.)

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Узнать подробности: cg.mosfilm.ru

Комедийный художественный фильм «Девчата», снятый в 1961 г., в СССР режиссёром Юрием Чулюкиным по одноимённой повести Б. Бедного.

На северные лесозаготовки приезжает Тося Кислицына — выпускница Симферопольского кулинарного училища, сирота, совсем девчонка, — умница, настоящий товарищ. На первых же танцах она отбривает местного кумира — лучшего бригадира Илью Ковригина, и начинается у них любовь-борьба, в лучших традициях советских лирических комедий.

Первый раз комедию показали в марте 1962 года в зале ЦДК. На премьеру пришли все, кроме Инны Макаровой. Она была обижена за то, что убрали финальную сцену её расставания с женихом. Картина сразу понравилась зрителям и даже критикам. Но высокое начальство посчитало, что комедия чересчур бытовая и мелковата для советского экрана, поэтому фильму была присвоена третья прокатная категория.
За рубежом картина имела успех. Получила приз Эдинбургского кинофестиваля и приз кинофестиваля в Мар-дель-Плата. Зарубежные газеты называли Румянцеву «Чарли Чаплин в юбке», а итальянцы — «русской Джульеттой Мазиной».

Режиссер: Чулюкин Юрий
Сценаристы: Бедный Борис
Композитор: Пахмутова Александра

В главных ролях: Рыбников Николай, Овчинникова Люсьена, Румянцева Надежда, Хитров Станислав, Филиппов Роман, Дружинина Светлана, Адоскин Анатолий Михайлович, Меньшикова Нина, Пуговкин Михаил, Макарова Инна

Интересные фрагменты:
00:00:00 начало фильма
00:00:15 песня подруг
00:05:30 Тося приехала
00:36:00 песня «Старый клён»
00:38:30 "… пятёрку получила?.."

#мосфильм #комедия #чулюкин

Ирина ХАКАМАДА | Как работать с эмоциями

Как правильно работать с эмоциями?
3 главных сценария работы с негативными эмоциями
Почему опасно подавлять эмоции?
Как научиться любить эмоции и ощущать себя живым?

Выступление на TEDx

ИРИНА ХАКАМАДА. Каким должен быть современный лидер, чтобы трахнуть весь мир | BigMoney #62

5 апреля. BigMoney форум в Киеве — bit.ly/2t37ytT
«Большие деньги» #62. Сегодня наверное одно из самых долгожданных интервью на канале, потому что гость программы — Ирина Хакамада. Ирина это известный лайв коуч, журналистка и публицист к которой за консультацией обращаются самые влиятельные люди мира.

В этом выпуске мы поговорили о том, каким должен быть лидер в современном мире, чтобы быть успешным, почему Хакамада за свободный брак, и почему в этом году она обязательно будет на Burning Man.

1:20 — Кто такая Ирина Хакамада, и чем она занимается
8:18 — Можно ли назвать Хакамаду сбалансированным и счастливым человеком
8:35 — Какое качество объединяет всех успешных людей?
14:25 — Ирина Хакамада, миллионер?
14:58 — Как появился первый миллион?
16:00 — Сколько тратит на семью Ирина Хакамада
16:30 — Открытый брак Ирины Хакамады
17:45 — Основная задача женщины, жены предпринимателя
24:05 — Почему лидеру нужна энергия кундалини?
29:00 — Почему Хакамада едет на Burning Man
31:03 — Что важнее, путь или результат?
34:59 — Кейс. Разбор ситуации в бизнесе Евгения Черняка
48:50 — Как переключаться с работы на дом
53:10 — Подарок от Ирины Хакамады
Интервью с Михаилом Жванецким — youtu.be/1DWinfzZI8Q

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