Have You Ever Met a Monster? | Amy Herdy | TEDxSanJuanIsland

Messaging around sexual assault prevention is largely aimed at women and cloaked in helpful advice: dont walk alone, dont get drunk, dont put yourself at risk. Essentially, dont get raped.

What if we turn this attention to a different population and say, dont rape? What are we doing wrong as a culture that we continue to produce rapists?

Through poignant storytelling, award-winning author and investigative producer Amy Herdy explores the cycle of sexual abuse and examines the dangers of dismissing our most violent predators as monsters.

For more than twenty years, journalist and author Amy Herdy has specialized in trauma reporting, particularly sexual assault.

Ms. Herdy’s professional engagements include teaching workshops on investigative reporting and trauma journalism for the U.S. State Department in Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad, Pakistan. Her awards include an Emmy; Society of Professional Journalists awards; a Radio, Television News Directors Association award; an Associated Press award; two American Society of Newspaper Editors awards and a Military Reporters

Powering the African marketplace: Herman Chinery-Hesse at TEDxEuston

Herman Chinery-Hesse is a software engineer by profession, although his early training was Industrial / Manufacturing technology. Twenty years ago, he co-founded the SOFTtribe Limited, which became the leading software house in Ghana and possibly West Africa. Hermans current venture Black Star line (BSL), seeks to financially empower rural Africans via e-commerce via their webmall (www.shopafric53.com) as well as their proprietary novel, global payment system and related technology, which serves as the platform for their «African liberty cards/credits» (ALC). Herman has won a number of awards including «Outstanding Ghanaian Professional» and «Distinguished Alumnus Award» from the Texas State Alumni Association and Texas State University-San Marcos, USA. He is the first and currently only African recipient of the award. He was a speaker TEDGlobal conference in Arusha, Tanzania. The BBC describes him as «Ghanas Bill Gates» and he is widely viewed as an African technology giant. Herman believes that «If Africa misses the current global IT boat and participation in resultant new economy, there may never again be another opportunity for rapid wealth creation on the continent». He is smart, dedicated and passionate about Africa.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.

Reading Body Language | Janine Driver | TEDxDeerPark

The average person wouldn’t think that they can learn something from decoding the body language of a murderer. Little do they know, there is more than a little to learn through this unusual approach to protecting your
friends, family and finances. In this out-of-the-box TEDx talk, retired ATF Investigator and Human Lie Detector, Janine Driver cracks the detecting deception through the nonverbal hot spots of murderers. Janine Driver is the founder, president, and lead instructor for BLUEStreak Training, an elite certification program that offers award-winning advanced communications training. BLUEStreak helps executives, sales people, and other professionals build executive presence; explode their selling skills; and create and deliver business presentations that win new business.
Janine and her team of the world’s most sought after subject matter experts have helped clients become the total leader, which ultimately led them to win billions of dollars in new business contracts. Her elite A-list clients come from a wide variety of industries. Janine has made appearances on NBC’s Today, The Rachael Ray Show, and HLN.
Janine’s background includes being a federal law enforcement officer within the United States Department of Justice for 16-years, where she trained over 60,000 lawyers, judges, and law enforcement officers how to read body language and detect deception. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

The real reason I traveled to 196 countries | Cassie De Pecol | TEDxMileHigh

In 2017, 27-year-old Cassie De Pecol set two Guinness World Records for the fastest travel around the world to every sovereign country. Join Cassie for an in depth look at how she did it, what it was like, and for the first time publicly, the real reason why she started the expedition. Cassie De Pecol is a world traveler, keynote speaker, brand ambassador, triathlete, activist, and entrepreneur. Born in 1989, she was raised and homeschooled in rural Connecticut. She enjoyed «out of the box» educational and multicultural experiences at various universities before deciding to begin her solo travels to 25 countries at the age of 21. In 2015, she started fresh, traveling alone to all 196 countries and securing two Guinness World Records. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes | Adam Leipzig | TEDxMalibu

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Adam Leipzig has overseen more than 25 movies as a producer, executive and distributor. and has produced more than 300 stage plays and live events, and he was one of the founders of the Los Angeles Theatre Center.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Memory techniques - Your secret weapon in the information age | Simon Reinhard | TEDxTUM

As a record-holding memory athlete, Simon Reinhard knows better than anyone that our memory is a powerful tool — and yet, it is very limited. After a spectacular demonstration of number memorization, he explains why we can remember things better if we put them into context, and teaches us how to go beyond the current abilities of our memory. With personal stories, he shows how this technique can help you at school, in your career, or even if you just want to make a point in a discussion.

Simon Reihnard was born in Munich and studied Law there, finishing in the top 7.5% of his class. During his university career, he came into contact with memory techniques; he learned that there was such a thing as „memory sports“, the competitive memorizing of different kinds of information (numbers, names, words, cards) in a set tournament format. He started competing right away and found it thoroughly fascinating to memorize more and more information with the help of techniques which use a set of locations and images.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

Want to improve your memory-Do this everyday | Krishan Chahal | TEDxMMUSadopurAmbala

Most of us feel that our memory is weak. But how to improve your memory? From day to day life activity to memorized pie value 43000 decimal place then recalled it in 5 hours and 21 minutes, how I memorized it? You can you also do it. If I can called as memory king then why not you? Do these exercise 5 minutes daily and change your life.

Guinness world record holder Mr. Krishan Chahal is the world’s foremost authority on the memory improvement. Known as memory king Mr. Chahal has also created the world’s toughest memory record by memorising value of pi up to 43,000 decimal places. Around the world millions of people and esteemed organisation like Davidson Academy of Naveda (USA), Indian Air Force, IiT Kanpur, Defence Research

Learning from a grand master of memory | Mattias Ribbing | TEDxLundUniversity

Can you quickly create real understanding in your brain at will? Here Mattias teaches you a new approach that immediately speeds up your learning abilities, far beyond plain memorizing. He also shows you some of his own skills and vaccinates you on the spot against the dreaded Teflon Brain Syndrome. You will also learn an enhanced way of reading that works for all kinds of texts and helps your brain to take in lots of new information fast.

Mattias Ribbing is an official Grandmaster of Memory, a published author of three books and a public speaker. He has a passion for helping people optimize their learning abilities through situation based brain training. Mattias has been invited to speak at Harvard Business School, Ericsson, Karolinska Institutet and many other places where he not only demonstrates his own unique skills live, but more importantly gives effective tools that everyone can use to to quickly become an expert in any field of knowledge.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

I used to be Schizophrenic - كنت فصاميا | Esaa Almustaneer - عيسى المستنير | TEDxRiyadh

1 من كل 4 في المجتمع مصابون بمرض نفسي، 9 من كل 10 منهم يتعرضون للإقصاء من المجتمع

مؤسس و رئيس جمعية الاعلامين السعوديين في استراليا، باحث متخصص في الاعلام الجديد. ماجستير إعلام واتصال من جامعة موناش الاسترالية

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

Іргелі ғылымның маңызы | СҰРАҒАН ДУРВУДХАН | TEDxAlmaty

Іргелі ғылымның маңызын барлық адам түсінетін сияқты, бірақ шын мәнінде оның қажеттілігі мен пайдасын көп адам түсіндіріп бере алмайды. Іргелі ғылымның негізгі міндеті табиғаттағы немесе қоғамдағы үрдісті неліктен солай болатынын түсіндіру. Жұлдыздар шаң-тозаң, газдардың шоғырланып тығыздығы артқан кезде жаратылады. Сол сияқты білім де бастапқыда көзге көрінбейді. Бірақ белгілі бір тығыздықты қалыптастырған кезде революциялық ойларды тудырады — қоғамда және ғылым мен техникада прогресс жасалады. PhD, математик, теоретик-физик, механик, ҚР мемлекеттік сыйлық иегері. Ұлттық ғылым академиясының ең жас мүшесі

Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық университетін аяқтаған. 2013-2014 жылдары King’s College London-да теориялық физикадан магистратура, 2011-2013 жылдары әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық университетінде математикадан PhD, ал 2015-2016 жылдары постдоктарантураны Imperial College London-да жалғастырған.
Ол кезінде орта мектепті толық оқымағанына қарамастан, кейін университетке түсіп, ғылыми зерттеулермен айналысып, қазіргі таңда математика және математикалық физика бойынша отандық және шетелдік ғылыми жобаларды жүзеге асырып жүр.
Спектралды теория, Рейман геометриясы, математикалық анализ бойынша лекциялар оқиды. Соңғы жылдардағы мақаласының саны Q1 квартилі бойынша ең көп Қазақстандық жас ғалым болып саналады. Д. Қонаев атындағы жас ғалымдарға арналған мемлекеттік сыйлық иегері. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx