Smart Materials | Anna Ploszajski | TEDxYouth@Manchester
Anna Ploszajski is an award-winning materials scientist, engineer and communicator, and was
recently made Young Engineer of the Year 2017 by The Royal Academy of Engineering. She
regularly performs stand-up comedy about science, has appeared on national television and
radio, and produces her own podcast about materials called ‘rial talk. She has authored a
chapter on smart materials in Professor Jim Al-Khalili’s new popular science book, What’s
Next?.. Anna Ploszajski is a materials scientist, engineer and communicator, and was recently named Young Engineer of the Year by the Royal Academy of Engineering. She has just finished her engineering doctorate at UCL in hydrogen storage materials, sponsored by industrial partner Cella Energy.
Anna received a First Class Honours degree (MEng) in Materials Science from Oxford University in 2013. During this she won a host of prizes and scholarships from Mansfield College, Rolls-Royce and the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.
Anna is a science communicator, regularly performing stand-up comedy with Bright Club and Science Showoff across the country as well as talks to adult and family audiences. She’s a proud member of the Science Showoff Talent Factory, and was a FameLab national finalist in 2017. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at